Thursday, February 4, 2016

Finding Parts from Jakku

This week I completed another extraction with the ZR Plant/Seed DNA MiniPrep kit, but included an overnight incubation in room temperature and an extra 10 minutes in a man-mad bead beater. Josh was able to come up with a new way of bashing my beads by creating an awesome "home-made" bead beater here in the lab. Choosing between buying an actual bead beater or creating one, Josh's superior sagacity thought up of creating one. I was able to bash my beads without the numbness taking over my hands and the beating of the beads would be consistent. I saw improvement in the bashing of the cholla spines and the solution actually turned a bit yellow. This did not happen previously with my first extraction and I am hoping it was a serious improvement. I'll see if there are any bands next week after the samples undergo electrophoresis.

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